I apologise for the wait for this blog post but nevertheless I’ll jump straight into it!
Since the last blog we have had 9 runners.
Coniston Clouds and Serious Ego ran at Carlisle on the 6th. They both ran nice races so we are looking forward to more runs from them both.
One Step Up started his racing career at Bangor on Dee on the 10th. It will have been a big learning curve for him and we’re excited to see what he has in store for the future.
Findthetime and Millie of Mayo ran at Wetherby on the 15th. Findthetime was much more well behaved when racing with a hood for the first time. Millie had been off the track for quite a while so she definitely needed the run to get back into the swing of things.
on the 19th we went up to Musselburgh with Kajaki and Hard Iron. As I’m sure many of you know, we unfortunately lost Hard Iron when he fell at the last hurdle. We are all beyond devastated p, but for the sake of our other horses we have to keep our heads up and keep moving on.
We put our sadness aside the next day to go to Carlisle with Marown. The ground was a bit too soft for him but he still ran a lovely race.
Our luck changed on Thursday when Aubis Walk got her head in front for the first time at Sedgefield. She’s had a few unlucky runs and she definitely isn’t the easiest of rides, but she was in good hands with Brian Hughes on board. We knew she had the ability and Brian did a great job keeping her up to her work and winning by 23 lengths!

Brian, Aubis, Martin and Nicky
Today we have Houston Texas and Wilhelm Vonvenster running at Newcastle. Houston is running in the Eider which is very exciting. The ground is a bit too good for his liking but hopefully it softens up throughout the day and is safe for him to run on.
Nicky will kill me if he sees this but I have to mention that it’s his birthday today! Hopefully it brings us some luck at the races. Happy Birthday Boss!

Houston Texas and Nicky
Even though Hard Iron is no longer with us, I’ll introduce him this week. He was well loved in the yard as he was always kind and gentle, but he also wasn’t afraid to show his more excitable and cheeky side! He started running in handicaps this season and took to it like a pro. He was three from three and we were all confident he’d have gotten a fourth win in a row at Musselburgh but it wasn’t to be unfortunately. Jockeys Callum Bewley and Brian Hughes both really enjoyed riding him and they are just as heartbroken as the rest of us at the yard are. Of course our condolences go out to his owners as well. He was their first horse and first winner! It just goes to show the extreme highs and lows we experience in this sport that we all love.

Hard Iron

Hard Iron and Callum